Homes for sale in Yankee Valley Crossing, Airdrie

Map of Yankee Valley Crossing Real Estate for Sale in Airdrie

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Yankee Valley Crossing

Yankee Valley Crossing real estate is located near Yankee Valley Boulevard to the east of the city of Airdrie. Airdrie falls in the province of Alberta and is included in the Calgary-Edmonton Corridor. Airdrie and Calgary are just a half an hour from each other with their City limits being just a kilometre apart. Yankee Valley Crossing is also just a short distance from the Queen Elizabeth II Highway which connects Airdrie to the rest of Alberta.

Yankee Valley Crossing Real Estate

The neighbourhood is great for people from every walk of life; families with kids, working professionals, retired folks, and singles can all find the perfect home here. With apartment style housing, detached single-family homes and semi-detached homes available in Yankee Valley Crossing homes, there is something for every budget. The area is still under development, and over the next few years, residents can expect to see a lot more recreational and entertainment options come up in the area.