Elboya Estate Homes

(Detached houses ranging up to $1 Million)

Elboya is a very small, but cosy residential community exclusive to only about 800 homes. The quality of real estate in Elboya is top notch and full of character. A large portion of the homes for sale in Elboya are exquisite properties built on sprawling lots that enjoy the enviable benefits of their waterfront location along the banks of the Elbow river. These houses also have spectacular panoramic views of the nearby Stanley Park and the Elbow river valley.


Estate Homes for Sale in Elboya Calgary

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Living in an estate home in Elboya

The Elboya community is well connected to the surrounding neighbourhoods and the downtown Calgary. The Chinook Shopping Centre is merely a stone’s throw away from the homes in Elboya and offers an endless variety of retail stores, shopping outlets and other amenities to cater to the shopping needs of the residents.

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