Crystal Shores Estate Homes

(Detached houses ranging from $650,000 and up)

Crystal Shores is the only community in Okotoks with lake access, making it one of the most preferred destinations for homebuyers. Some properties in the neighborhood back onto the lake. Residents of the community love spending their leisure time ice skating in the winter and fishing in the lake in the summer.

Estate Homes for Sale in Crystal Shores Okotoks

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Living in an estate home in Crystal Shores

To help beginners hone their golfing skills, the Crystal Ridge Golf Course club offers golf lessons. From a serene setting to a range of amenities, the community offers everything required to raise a family. The area is served by Dr. Morris Gibson Elementary school. Buying a property in Crystal Shores would be one of the best investment decisions of your life. If you ever have to move, rest assured that your property will go quickly once you decide to move.

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