Beddington Heights Condos Calgary
The district of Beddington was founded in 2017 when the Electoral Boundaries Commission decided to rename the Calgary-Mackay-Nose Hill and change its shape by removing its northern area. The district also saw the addition of neighborhoods from Calgary-Northern Hills and Calgary-Foothills. “Beddington” seemed to be an apt name for the district because it would make the place more identifiable to Calgary residents. Besides Beddington Heights, the district is also home to a few other communities, namely Huntington Hills, Sandstone Valley, MacEwan, Country Hills, and Hidden Valley.
Apartment Condos for Sale in Beddington Heights Calgary
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Directory of all Condo Complexes in Beddington Heights Calgary:
Living in an Apartment Style Condo in Beddington Heights
Beddington Heights is also home to the Beddington Heights Community Arts Centre. Here you will find the Beddington Heights Theatre, where you can watch shows put on by StoryBook Theatre and Front Row Centre Players, two of Calgary’s longest running theatre companies. The Beddington Heights Community Arts Centre is also the place to go if you are interested in signing yourself or your kids up for karate lessons. Every Wednesday evening it plays host to classes from the All Canadian Karate Union. You can register at any time, and, once you have, you will also be allowed to train at the ACKU Clubs located in the nearby communities of Sandstone and Kincora.